1 | College | Universitas Negeri Padang |
2 | Faculty | Postgraduate School |
3 | Study program | Doctor of Educational Sciences |
4 | Study Program Code | Education |
5 | Level | Doctoral |
6 | Graduate Degree | Dr |
7 | Vision and mission | 1. Vision of the Doctoral Program of Educational Sciences “Become a dignified and internationally reputable doctoral program in the field of education.” 2. Mission of the Doctoral Program of Educational Sciences a. Organizing international quality education and learning in the field of educationional sciences b. Develop research in the field of educational sciences to produce innovation. c. Transforming research results in educational sciences to improve learning quality and community welfare. d. Implementing international standard study program governance. e. Organizing productive and relevant cooperation in the field of educational sciences. |
8 | Address | Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang |
9 | Phone number | (0751) 7051147, 445088 |
10 | Email address | |
11 | Website | |
12 | Year and Permit / Decree of Establishment and the latest SK Extension. | December 31, 1992 / 517/DIKTI/KEP/1992 |
13 | Year and Number of SK Accreditation of BAN-PT and or LAM (last decree) | SK-BAN-PT/Akred/ D/T/2017, January 16, 2017 |
14 | Year and Decree of International Accreditation/Certification | – |
1 | Name | Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fauzan, M.Pd, M.Sc |
2 | Position | Study Program Coordinator |
3 | No. SK Assignment | |
4 | Assignment Start Date | |
5 | Assignment Completion Date | |
6 | HP/WA number |
A.Foundation for Curriculum Design and Development
Philosophical foundations provide philosophical guidelines at the stages of designing, implementing, and improving the quality of education (Ornstein & Hunkins, 2014). How the knowledge is studied and learned so that students understand the nature of life and can improve their quality of life both individually and in society (Zais, 1976).
The sociological foundation provides a basis for curriculum development as an educational tool consisting of goals, materials, learning activities, and a positive learning environment to acquire learner experiences relevant to learners’ personal and social development (Ornstein & Hunkins, 2014, p. 128). The curriculum must be able to pass on culture from one generation to the next amid globalization’s influence, which continues to erode the existence of local culture. In this regard, Ascher and Heffron (2010) state that we need to understand under what conditions globalization negatively impacts cultural practices and beliefs, weakening human dignity. They further conveyed that we need to recognize aspects of local culture to fortify ourselves from the influence of globalization. It aligns with Plafreyman’s (2007) opinion, which states that cultural issues are a hot topic among the academic community in various countries. It is where universities are expected to be able to mix the interests of advancing learning processes that are oriented to the advancement of science and technology with elements of the cultural diversity of students who can produce learning outcomes with the ability to understand cultural diversity in the community, resulting in a spirit of tolerance and mutual understanding of the presence of diversity. The curriculum must release learners from the confines of their rigid cultural barrier (capsulation) and are not aware of the weaknesses of their own culture. In the contemporary context, students are expected to be able to have cultural agility, which is considered a mega competency that professional candidates must possess in the 21st century with a minimum mastery of three competencies, namely, cultural minimization, namely the ability to control oneself and adapt with standards, in working conditions at the international level) cultural adaptation, and cultural integration (Caliguri, 2012). This concept seems to be in line with Ki Hadjar Dewantoro’s thoughts in the concept of “TriKon” stated above. in working conditions at the international level) cultural adaptation (cultural adaptation) and cultural integration (Caliguri, 2012). This concept seems to be in line with Ki Hadjar Dewantoro’s thoughts in the concept of “TriKon” stated above. in working conditions at the international level) cultural adaptation (cultural adaptation) and cultural integration (Caliguri, 2012). This concept aligns with Ki Hadjar Dewantoro’s thoughts in the concept of “TriKon” stated above.
The psychological foundation provides a foundation for curriculum development so that the curriculum can continuously encourage student curiosity and can motivate lifelong learning; a curriculum that can facilitate student learning so that they can realize their role and function in their environment; a curriculum that can cause students to think critically, and to think at a higher level and to do higher-order thinking; a curriculum that can optimize the development of student potential into the desired human being (Zais, 1976, p. 200); a curriculum that can facilitate students learn to become complete human beings, namely humans who are free, responsible, confident, moral or have a noble character, able to collaborate, tolerant,
Historical foundation, a curriculum that can facilitate students to learn according to their era; a curriculum that can pass on the cultural values and golden history of past nations, and transform in the era in which he is studying; a curriculum that can prepare students to live better in the 21st century, have an active role in the industrial era 4.0 and be able to read the signs of its development.
The juridical foundation is the legal basis that becomes the basis or reference at the stages of design, development, implementation, and evaluation, as well as a higher education quality assurance system that will ensure the implementation of the curriculum and the achievement of curriculum objectives. The following are some legal foundations that need to be referred to in the curriculum preparation and implementation.
- Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2005 Number 157, Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4586);
- Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2012 Number 158, Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5336);
- Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 of 2012, concerning the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI);
- Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 73 of 2013, concerning the Implementation of the KKNI in the Higher Education Sector;
- Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 62 of 2016 concerning the Higher Education Quality Assurance System;
- Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number 59 of 2018, concerning Diplomas, Certificates of Competence, Professional Certificates, Degrees, and Procedures for Writing Degrees in Higher Education;
- Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education No. 123 of 2019 concerning Internships and Recognition of Industrial Internship Semester Credit Units for Applied Undergraduate and Undergraduate Programs.
- Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 3 of 2020, concerning the National Standards for Higher Education;
- Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 5 of 2020, concerning Accreditation of Study Programs and Universities
- Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 7 of 2020 concerning the Establishment of Changes, the Dissolution of State Universities, and the Establishment, Amendment, Revocation of Permits for Private Universities.
- Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 22 of 2020, concerning the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
- Vision, Mission, Goals, Strategy, and University Values
“Become a dignified and internationally reputable doctoral program in the field of education.”
2. Mission
- Mission of the Doctoral Program of Educational Sciences
- Organizing international quality education and learning in the field of educational sciences
- Develop research in the field of educational sciences to produce innovation.
- Transforming research results in educational sciences to improve learning quality and community welfare.
- Implementing international standard study program governance.
- Organizing productive and relevant cooperation in the field of educational sciences.
The study program aims to produce postgraduate graduates with the title of Doctor of Education. With this aim, the study program’s target is to produce graduates who have:
- Insight and scientific ability of Education in a comprehensive and integrated manner.
- Ability to analyze theoretical studies of educational science in a comprehensive and integrated manner.
- Ability to analyze educational situations and conditions that are cross-branching of Education.
- Ability to analyze policies, plan and operationalize educational activities in a comprehensive and integrated manner.
- The ability to encourage the development of various branches of Education by referring to the scientific principles of Education in a comprehensive and integrated manner.
- Ability to research and develop studies in the field of Education in a comprehensive and integrated manner.
- Ability to disseminate comprehensive and integrated scientific studies of Education, for example, as a lecturer.
- High commitment and dedication in conducting the comprehensive and integrated study, development, planning, management, and implementation of Education.
4 Strategy
- The year 2020: Adjustment stage with PSIP changes from PTN to BLU, which determines the competitiveness of the University to a global level and prepares for accreditation of all study programs to achieve Superior scores achieved through:
- The preparation of the Strategic Plan for the 2020-2024 study program
- The preparation of SOPs for all programs in the Strategic Plan.
- The socialization of the Strategic Plan and SOP that have been developed
- Years 2020-2021: The consolidation stage is achieved through:
- The realization of the KPT curriculum based on the KKNI and SNPT.
- The realization of the physical facilities. adequate both in terms of strength and quality
- Achieving the quality of IT-based learning technology hardware and software
- Meeting the need for resources to support the improvement of the quality of Education.
- Years 2022-2023: The stabilization stage is achieved through:
- The establishment of professional work culture in implementing the Tridharma of higher Education.
- Optimal implementation of the quality assurance function
- The implementation of a consistent online management system.
- the Year 2024: Achievement of regional competitiveness achieved through:
- Implementation of the double degree study program
- There is a dynamic regional partnership with universities in the Asian region.
- Increased research publications in indexed journals
- The increasing number of international students studying at PSIP
5. University Value
The Natural Philosophy of “Alam Takambang Jadi Guru”
A.Graduate Profile
The graduate profile is a (PEO) Program Educational Objective that characterizes graduates. The profile formulation is accompanied by a description of graduates’ roles in certain areas of expertise or work fields. Each PEO formulation is structured in one clear and measurable sentence and is oriented to the performance of graduates, namely (1) being able to continue their studies, (2) being able to work at certain institutions according to their expertise, and or (3) being able to become entrepreneurs (Kepmendikbud Number 754/P/ 2020 concerning Key Performance Indicators (IKU) of State Universities and Higher Education Service Institutions within the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2020. The PEO formulation is between 3 – 5 points and is adjusted to the scope of the Main Higher Education Performance Indicators.
“Profiles of graduates of the Doctoral Program of Educational Sciences are experts in the fields of:
- Independent and professional educational practitioners and academics
Lecturers, Widyaswaras, and Consultants in the field of Education who are professional and have the identity to work and devote themselves according to their expertise
- Creative and innovative educational researcher
Graduates who are sensitive to educational problems and can solve problems scientifically through research activities to produce future-minded innovative works that can be recognized nationally, globally, and internationally
with the following PEO details:
Table 1. Description of the Program Educational Objective (PEO)
PEO | Description |
PEO -1 | Produce graduates who are professional in developing new knowledge in the field of Education |
PEO -2 | Produce graduates who are able to develop research in solving problems in the field of Education |
PEO -3 | Produce graduates who have attitude : Leadership,responsible collaborative and independent |
Furthermore, each PEO is described with some indicators in the following table:
Table 2. Program Educational Objective (PEO) Indicators
PEO | Indicator |
PEO -1 |
PEO -2 |
PEO -3 |
A.Graduate Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
Graduate Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) consist of Attitude, Knowledge, General Skills, and Specific Skills. The formulation of general attitude and skill aspects presents the formulation of SN-Dikti. Meanwhile, aspects of Special Knowledge and Skills are formulated, referring to the IQF descriptor according to the level.
The format used is as follows:
Table 3. Graduate Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
S1 | Faithful to God Almighty and able to show a religious attitude | Demonstrate scientific, educative, responsible, independent, and religious attitudes and behavior to improve the quality of life in society, nation, and state based on academic norms and ethics. |
S2 | Upholding human values in carrying out duties based on religion, morals, and ethics | |
S3 | Contribute to improving the quality of life in society, nation, state, and the progress of civilization based on Pancasila | |
S4 | Act as citizens who are proud and love their homeland, have nationalism and a sense of responsibility to the country and nation | |
S5 | Respect the diversity of cultures, views, religions, and beliefs, as well as the opinions or original findings of others | |
S6 | Work together and have social sensitivity and concern for society and the environment | |
S7 | Obey the law and discipline in social and state life | |
S8 | Internalizing academic values, norms, and ethics | |
S9 | Demonstrate a responsible attitude towards work in their area of expertise independently | |
S10 | Internalize the spirit of independence,struggle, and entrepreneurship
| |
P1 | Mastering the philosophy of Education as the basis for developing educational praxis |
P2 | Develop various theories, concepts, and educational approaches along with the development of science and technology | |
P3 | Mastering research methodologies and publications in the field of Education by utilizing information and communication technology | |
P4 | Develop various approaches, models, methods, learning strategies based on educational philosophy | |
P5 | Develop leadership knowledge based on global insight and local cultural values | |
P6 | Mastering various approaches, methods, and strategies for developing the fields of Education in order to produce innovative work oriented towards solving educational problems | |
3. GENERAL SKILLS ((taken from the attachment of Permendikbud No. 3 of 2020. | General Skills For AQAS | |
KU1 | able to discover or develop new scientifictheories/conceptions/ideas, contribute to the development and practice of science and/or technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values in their fields of expertise, by producing scientific research based on scientific methodologies, logical, critical, systematic thinking, and creative |
KU2 | able to compile interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, or transdisciplinary research, including theoretical studies and/or experiments in the fields of science, technology, art, and innovation as outlined in dissertations and papers that have been published in reputable international journals | |
KU3 | able to choose research that is appropriate, current, advanced, and provides benefits to humankind through an interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, or transdisciplinary approach, in order to develop and/or produce problem-solving in the fields of science, technology, art, or society, based on the results of studies on availability of internal and external resources | |
KU4 | able to develop a research roadmap with an interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, or transdisciplinary approach, based on a study of the main research objectives and their constellation on broader targets | |
KU5 | able to formulate scientific, technological, or artistic arguments and solutions based on a critical view of facts, concepts, principles, or theories that can be accounted for scientifically and academically, and communicate them through the mass media or directly to the public | |
KU6 | able to demonstrate academic leadership in the management, development, and guidance of resources and organizations under their responsibility | |
KU7 | capable of managing, including storing, auditing, securing, and retrieving data and information on research results that are under their responsibility; and | |
KU8 | able to develop and maintain collegial and peer relations within their environment or through collaborative networks outside the institution’s research community. | |
KK1 | Able to deepen and expand new science and technology through research that contributes to the development of Education and solving community problems and publishes it in reputable international journals | Formulate and develop educational innovations and policies by utilizing educational theories, concepts, and approaches. |
KK2 | Able to deepen and expand educational innovation | |
KK3 | Able to formulate policies and develop strategies with interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary approaches to contribute to solving educational problems | |
KK4 | Able to develop educational theories and concepts through collaborative networks both at home and abroad |
The CPL Formulation process by simplifying the IQF descriptor is presented in Appendix 1. Technical Instructions for Compilation the CPL of Study Program
Table 4. Map of PEO with Learning Outcome Program (PLO)
S1 | P1 | P2 | KU.1 | KU.2 | KK.1 | ||
1 | PEO 1 | V | V | V | V | V | |
2 | PEO 2 | V | V | V | V | ||
3 | PEO 3 | V |
A.Determination of Study Materials
Determination of materials referring to PLO and/or using the Body of Knowledge Study program. The Study materials are used to form the new courses and/or evaluate and reconstruct old or ongoing courses. Determination of study materials is a statement of competence needed in work. To make it easier, it can also refer to study materials from scientific fields adapted to the competencies of the world of work.
Table 5. Study Materials (BK)
No | Code | Study Material |
1 | BK-1 | General Courses |
2 | BK-2 | Pedagogical Courses |
3 | BK-3 | Scientific Content |
4 | BK-5 | Research |
Table 6. Matrix of Relationship between PLO and Study Materials
NO | STUDY MATERIAL | Graduate Learning Outcomes | |||||
S1 | P1 | P2 | KU.1 | KU.2. | KK.1 | ||
1 | BK-1 | V | V | V | V | ||
2 | BK-2 | V | V | V | V | ||
3 | BK-3 | V | V | V | V | V | |
4 | BK-4 | V | V | V |
B.Formation of Courses (MK) and Determination of Credit Weights
In this section, the study program carries out two stages of activities, namely:
Grouping Study Materials to be studied in the already available courses (currently applicable courses). If some study materials are not accommodated in the current course, the study program can add the name of a new course but may not delete the name of the current course. In determining the weight of credits, it is necessary to pay attention to the suggestion that in each semester, students do not contract more than 7 (seven) courses. This activity is done by creating a table:
Table 7. Formation of courses and credit weights
No | Study Material | Course Name *) | Course code **) | Number of credits |
1 | General Courses | 1.Philosophy of Education | ILP1.92.1007 | 2 |
2. Statistics | ILP1.92.206 | 2 | ||
2 | Pedagogical Courses | 3. Theory and Foundation of Educational Science | ILP1.92.1016 | 2 |
4. Service Development of Counseling Guidance | ILP1.92.2005 | 2 | ||
5. Development of Instructional Model, Design, and Evaluation | ILP1.92.2007 | 3 | ||
6. Instructional and Educational Psychology | ILP1.92.1014 | 2 | ||
3 | Scientific Course | 7. Evaluation of Educational Programs | ILP1.92.1010 | 2 |
8.Curriculum Analysis and Development | ILP1.92.1015 | 2 | ||
9. Comparative Education | ILP1.92.2009 | 2 | ||
10. Education Management and Policy Analysis | ILP1.92.2008 | 3 | ||
4 | Research | 11.Research Methodology | ILP1.92.1006 | 2 |
Elective Course (6 Credits) | ||||
12. Analysis of Problematic in General Education | ILP2.92.2013 | 2 | ||
13. Literature Review in General Education | ILP2.92.3021 | 2 | ||
14.Independent Study in General Education | ILP2.92.3024 | 2 | ||
15.Analysis of Problematic in Mathematics Education | ILP2.92.2018 | 2 | ||
16.Literature Review in General Mathematics Education | ILP2.92.3031 | 2 | ||
17.Independent Study in General Mathematics Education | ILP2.92.3028 | 2 | ||
18.Analysis of Problematic in Science Education | ILP2.92.2015 | 2 | ||
19.Literature Review in Science Education | ILP2.92.3030 | 2 | ||
20.Independent Study in Science Education | ILP2.92.3027 | 2 | ||
21.Analysis of Problematic in Social Science Education | ILP2.92.2016 | 2 | ||
22.Literature Review in General Social Science Education | ILP2.92.3023 | 2 | ||
23.Independent Study in General Social Science Education | ILP2.92.3026 | 2 | ||
24.Analysis of Problematic in Sport Education | ILP2.92.2017 | 2 | ||
25.Literature Review in Sport Education | ILP2.92.3032 | 2 | ||
26.Independent Study in Sport Education | ILP2.92.3029 | 2 | ||
27. Analysis of Problematic in Education Technology | ILP2.92.2014 | 2 | ||
28.Literature Review in Education Technology | ILP2.92.3022 | 2 | ||
29.Independent Study in Education Technology | ILP2.92.3025 | 2 | ||
Dissertation (12 credits) | ||||
30.Dissertation Proposal Seminar | ILP1.92.3002 | 2 | ||
31.Publication I and Seminar on Dissertation Results | ILP1.92.3003 | 3 | ||
32. Publication II and Closed Examination | ILP1.92.5001 | 5 | ||
33.Open Examination | 2 |
Table 10 Relationship of PLO with Courses
NO | COURSE | Program Learning Outcomes | |||||
S1 | P1 | P2 | KU.1 | KU.2 | KK.1 | ||
1 | Philosophy of Education | V | V | ||||
2 | Statistics | V | V | ||||
3 | Theory and Foundation of Educational Science | V | V | V | V | ||
4 | Service Development of Counseling Guidance | V | V | V | V | V | |
5 | Development of Instructional Model, Design, and Evaluation | V | V | V | |||
6 | Instructional and Educational Psychology | V | V | V | |||
7 | Evaluation of Educational Programs | V | V | V | |||
8 | Curriculum Analysis and Development | V | V | ||||
9 | Comparative Education | V | V | V | |||
10 | Education Management and Policy Analysis | V | V | V | V | ||
11 | Research Methodology | V | V | V | |||
12 | Analysis of Problematic in Education | V | V | V | |||
13 | Literature Review | V | V | ||||
14 | Independent Study | V | V | ||||
15 | Dissertation Proposal Seminar | V | V | ||||
16 | Publication I and Seminar on Dissertation Results | V | V | V | |||
17 | Publication II and Closed Examination | V | V | V | |||
18 | Open Exam | V | V | V |
C.Curriculum Structure
Curriculum structure table based on the subject group, credit weight, and distribution / Semester
No | Study Material | Course Name *) | Course code **) | Number of credits | Semester |
1 | General Courses | 1. Philosophy of Education | ILP1.92.1007 | 2 | 1 |
2. Statistics | ILP1.92.206 | 2 | 2 | ||
2 | Pedagogical Courses | 3. Theory and Foundation of Educational Science | ILP1.92.1016 | 2 | 1 |
4. Service Development of Counseling Guidance | ILP1.92.2005 | 2 | 2 | ||
5.Development of Instructional Model, Design, and Evaluation | ILP1.92.2007 | 3 | 2 | ||
6.Instructional and Educational Psychology | ILP1.92.1014 | 2 | 1 | ||
3 | Scientific Course | 7.Evaluation of Educational Programs | ILP1.92.1010 | 2 | 1 |
8.Curriculum Analysis and Development | ILP1.92.1015 | 2 | 1 | ||
9.Comparative Education | ILP1.92.2009 | 2 | 2 | ||
10.Education Management and Policy Analysis | ILP1.92.2008 | 3 | 2 | ||
4 | Research | 11. Research Methodology | ILP1.92.1006 | 2 | 1 |
Elective Course (6 Credits) | |||||
12. Analysis of Problematic in General Education | ILP2.92.2013 | 2 | 2 | ||
13. Literature Review in General Education | ILP2.92.3021 | 2 | 3 | ||
14.Independent Study in General Education | ILP2.92.3024 | 2 | 3 | ||
15. Analysis of Problematic in Mathematics Education | ILP2.92.2018 | 2 | 2 | ||
16. Literature Review in General Mathematics Education | ILP2.92.3031 | 2 | 3 | ||
17.Independent Study in General Mathematics Education | ILP2.92.3028 | 2 | 3 | ||
18. Analysis of Problematic in Science Education | ILP2.92.2015 | 2 | 2 | ||
19. Literature Review in Science Education | ILP2.92.3030 | 2 | 3 | ||
20. Independent Study in Science Education | ILP2.92.3027 | 2 | 3 | ||
21. Analysis of Problematic in Social Science Education | ILP2.92.2016 | 2 | 2 | ||
22. Literature Review in General Social Science Education | ILP2.92.3023 | 2 | 3 | ||
23.Independent Study in General Social Science Education | ILP2.92.3026 | 2 | 3 | ||
24. Analysis of Problematic in Sport Education | ILP2.92.2017 | 2 | 2 | ||
25.Literature Review in Sport Education | ILP2.92.3032 | 2 | 3 | ||
26.Independent Study in Sport Education | ILP2.92.3029 | 2 | 3 | ||
27. Analysis of Problematic in Education Technology | ILP2.92.2014 | 2 | 2 | ||
28. Literature Review in Education Technology | ILP2.92.3022 | 2 | 3 | ||
29. Independent Study in Education Technology | ILP2.92.3025 | 2 | 3 | ||
Dissertation (12 credits) | |||||
30. Dissertation (Proposal Seminar) Seminar disertasi proposal | ILP1.92.3002 | 2 | 3 | ||
31. Publication I and Seminar on Dissertation Results Seminar Dissertation result | ILP1.92.3003 | 3 | 4 | ||
32.Publication II and Closed Examination Dissertation | ILP1.92.5001 | 5 | 5 | ||
33. Open Examination Dissertation | 2 |
Description of course
1. | PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION | Reviewing and analyzing paradigms (philosophical, theoretical, practical, practical) of education as pure science and applied science (discipline) based on classical philosophy (idealism and realism), Renaissance (humanism, naturalism, behaviorism, nativism, pragmatism, and constructivism), contemporary (empiricism, criticism, rationalism, liberalism), the digital era (digitalism and futurism), and the educational thoughts of Al Farabi, Al Ghazali as well as educational thought that developed in Indonesia (Ki Hajar Dewantara/Tamansiswa, Muhammad Syafei/INS Kayu Tanam, KH. Ahmad Dahlan/ Muhammadiyah, KH Hasyim Asy’ari/Islamic boarding school, Rahmah El Yunusiah/Diniyyah Putri). |
2. | STATISTICS | Subject “Advanced Education Statistics in the Doctor of Education (S3) study program PPs UNP is a group of general subjects that examine various aspects of statistics theoretically and apply them to research education. This course discusses the use of parametric and non-parametric statistics. To analyze educational research data involving multi variables. |
3. | THEORY AND FOUNDATION OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCE | This course examines and analyzes Education as a discipline (Discipline), the core components of education, the supporting components of education, the philosophical aspects of education, educational theories, the interrelationship between socio-cultural life and education, the role of education in socio-cultural change ( change), as well as the role of education in facing the industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0. The core of the lecture is the philosophical background of education, the theoretical background of education, and the sociocultural background of education. |
4. | DEVELOPMENT OF COUNSELING GUIDANCE SERVICES | In this course, students learn about the dimensions of education and counseling in life, the basic orientation of counseling services, basic principles of counseling services, modes of counseling services, successful comprehensive counseling, counselor professionalism, integrity counseling, reflection, and development. |
5. | EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION SYSTEM | The course “Educational Assessment and Evaluation System” aims to provide an understanding of the nature of evaluation, aspects that underlie the evaluation of education and teaching, test theory, techniques for compiling and analyzing test items, as well as skills in processing learning outcomes data, and being critical of current issues. about the education evaluation system. |
6. | EDUCATIONAL AND LEARNING PSYCHOLOGY | Assessing and analyzing various psychological aspects that affect the learning and learning process, both from theoretical studies and practical studies. Individual differences related to psychological aspects can affect learning such as differences in intelligence, talent, personality, creativity, socio-emotional development, motivation, memory, learning styles, motivation, and transfer processes in learning. Assessing and analyzing children with special needs and multi-cultural education and their implications for learning. Reviewing and engineering learning theories according to behavioristic psychology, cognitive psychology, gestalt psychology, and humanistic psychology in the learning process. |
7. | EDUCATION MANAGEMENT AND POLICY ANALYSIS | Subject “Education Management and Policy Analysis” (AKPK) in the Doctor of Education (S3) study program PPs UNP is a group of compulsory basic courses that examine various main concepts, theories, processes, implementation, and evaluation of education management and policies; as well as analyzing the management and policy of education in the present and future policy directions. Through this course, students are expected to master a broad knowledge base related to education management and policy, be able to analyze current education management and policies and be able to formulate hypothetical models of education management and policy in the future. The analysis and model are based on an in-depth study (theoretical and applied) of the main concepts, theories, processes/implementations, evaluations, and products of education management and policies. |
8. | CURRICULUM ANALYSIS & DEVELOPMENT | The curriculum, as an education blueprint, describes the quality of education that learners (learners) will achieve through developing their potential to become what they want to be (what men can become) according to educational goals. This course is designed to facilitate students to be the ability to master a broad and deep knowledge base, which includes the essence, conception, foundation, content, organization, development model, evaluation, and curriculum change; have real experience related to curriculum development and its problems, and can develop hypothetical model curricula for the future. To enrich the theoretical-conceptual learning experience, students are given the opportunity and ability to analyze, |
9. | INDEPENDENT STUDY | In this course, students design a dissertation proposal by utilizing the tasks given in the Problem Analysis of Mathematics Education and Literature Studies course. The output of this course is a Dissertation Proposal that is ready for the seminar. |
10. | RESEARCH METHODOLOGY | This course discusses research methodologies to design education research and can produce articles published in outstanding journals at home or abroad. |
11. | MODEL DEVELOPMENT, DESIGN, AND EVALUATION OF LEARNING | Subject “Model Development, Design, and Learning Evaluation” (PEMDEP) in the Doctor of Education (S3) study program PPs UNP is a group of compulsory basic courses that examine various pedagogical aspects theoretically and engineering basic study of education science, the study of learning technology in education science. analysis of trends and issues of learning technology, area analysis in learning technology research, basic theories of online learning (e-learning), message design, schemata, advance organizer and media communication, development of instructional design models, development models in learning research, model development -learning models, development of online learning evaluation (e-learning), multiple intelligence-based learning and learning technology, critical analysis of independent campuses and online learning, education technology development profesión. |
12. | COMPARATIVE EDUCATION | Examines the theoretical, pedagogical, and practical aspects of the education systems of other reputable countries. By studying the education systems of other countries, students will have broad and deep insights into the education systems of various countries in the world. This study of a country’s education system covers very broad and very complex aspects, including a brief history of education, philosophy, politics, educational goals, structure, types, and levels of education, and management systems that include, personnel, funding, curriculum, learning, grade promotion, examinations, and teacher certification, educational research, and accreditation. In certain cases, special issues and information can be discussed in the education system of a country. |
13. | STUDY OF LITERATURE | In this course, students will analyze various study results related to the variables to be investigated in the dissertation. The results of the studies analyzed are mainly sourced from international journals and dissertations, as well as accredited national journals. The results of the analysis will be produced in the form of a complete study for each variable that will be studied by students. The results of the literature study are expected to be published in international journals, international proceedings, or accredited national journals (at least Sinta 3) in the form of conceptual articles. |