Located on Campus V Bukittinggi, Padang State University, the UNP Education Doctoral Study Program held a Semester Learning Plan (RPS) preparation workshop, which took place from July 31st to August 2nd, 2021. The activity was opened by the Head of the Doctoral Study Program in Education, Prof. Dr.Ahmad Fauzan, M.Pd., M.Sc, and Dr. Darmansyah, ST, M.Pd guided the workshop. The activity started at 16.00 Wib. Besides that, the activity was also attended by Doctoral Lecturers in Educational Sciences, including Prof. Dr. Nurhizrah Gistituati, M. Ed.
At the RPS Workshop, there was extraordinary enthusiasm from the lecturers in the Doctoral Program in Education to compile the latest RPS format to implement for the upcoming academic semester. As the presenter, Dr. Darmansyah, ST, M.Pd., gave tips and steps in preparing RPS for lecturers in a problem-based and team-based project-oriented RPS format.
On the first day, Saturday, July 31st, 2021, the Workshop begins with the steps in determining the profile of graduates for Study Programs that are tailored to the vision and mission of each Study Program. In addition, legal references in compiling graduate profiles, and study materials, up to the formation of courses, are discussed in stages before lecturers are given training assignments to prepare RPS.
This workshop activity will end on Monday, August 2nd, 2021, with a presentation and evaluation of the previous day of the RPS that the lecturers had designed. With this workshop, it is hoped that the quality of learning, especially in terms of fulfilling the ideal curriculum document, can be realized optimally in the Doctoral Education Study Program while preparing for the upcoming BAN-PT and AQAS Accreditation.