Al Rafni, 2021 A Gender Perspective Political Education Model to Party Cadres Women
The background of the research is a phenomenon of lack of optimal political education by Indonesian political parties for party cadres women. This problem has various implications for the performance of women politicians n the public political sphere. The research and development (R&D) approach are carried out to construct a conceptual model of political education with a gender perspective for cadres women which is packaged into two books. The first product is book I as model development and the second book is book II as a book of political education teaching materials for party cadres women. The type of research is a construct hypothetical model by implementing the appropriate ADDIE stages as an effort to accomplish the research objectives. This research only went through three stages, those are (1) analysis; (2) design; and (3) development. There was competent validators who inhibiting education and political science intensively examined the model that tested the validity, reliability, and practicality of the two products produced. The results of product testing show that both products have a high level of validity. Besides that, the products also fulfill the aspects of adequate reliability, where validators consistently provide relatively comparable results in each of these aspects. Furthermore, the product also mastered fulfilling the elements of practicality in the high-level practicality category. Eventually, the construction of product development is expected to be able to fill “the empty spaces” to increase the capacity of human resources in addition to political participation of party cadres women in the Indonesian political realm.
Keywords: model construction; political education; gender perspective; party cadres women.
Burhanuddin. 2020. Development of Inspirational Stories History Teaching Materials in High Schools. Padang State University Postgraduate Dissertation.
The phenomenon of history learning that occurs in Indonesia from elementary to high school levels is still far from being expected to allow students to see its relevance to present and future life. One of the causes of problems in history learning is the use of learning resources that are still centered on textbooks. There is a tendency that students not to like textbooks, especially those that are not accompanied by interesting pictures and illustrations. In addition, the use of textbooks as the only source of learning will cause students to be lazy to think. Based on this thought, the researchers carried out the process of developing teaching materials that were originally in the form of textbooks and were developed into books of inspirational stories. The book of inspirational stories developed in this research is not only valid, practical, and effective in overcoming students’ lack of interest in history textbooks, however, this book of inspirational stories is also expected to be able to improve students’ cognitive aspects; long term memory (LTM) ability and students’ critical thinking ability. This type of research is development research. The development model used is the ADDIE model which consists of five steps, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. At the product design stage to investigate the validity and practicality, a formative evaluation was carried out which included expert reviews, one-on-one evaluations, small group evaluations, and field tests. Research data were collected through discussion, observation, interviews, questionnaires, and learning outcomes tests. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. This research has produced history teaching materials in the form of books, along with the support system in the form of teacher books. The teaching materials in the form of books and their support systems have met the valid, practical, and effective criteria to be used as teaching materials in the history learning process on the material for the birth and rise of Indonesian nationalism for class XI high school students. The books of inspirational stories developed in this research are different from the existing history books. Research on history books that have been carried out by previous researchers is generally written based on saga, legend, story, law, theory, or general principle about a phenomenon (phenomenon). Facts, diachronic, ideographic, unique, and empirical.
Keywords: education, perspective
Ezriani, 2021. Development of Guided Training About Problem Based Learning for Instructor of Studio Operations Engineering. Dissertation. Padang State University Postgraduate.
development research is carried out because the instructor’s ability to implement problem-based learning is still lacking. To overcome this, instructors are given guided training so that they can implement problem-based learning in their respective classes. This study aims to: first, develop guided training on problem-based learning for instructors of studio operational techniques. Second, get the validity, effectiveness, and practicality of the guided training materials. The research method uses development procedures. The development phase consists of product analysis, product development by conducting focus group discussions (FGD), product revision, expert validation, and field trials. The research subjects are the studio operational engineering instructors who are members of the TVRI Lesson Study. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, followed by qualitative analysis with the percentage formula. The results of this study can be concluded that: First, the development of guided training on problem-based learning follows the following procedures: (1) conducting training needs analysis activities, (2) designing training with a PBL (problem-based learning) learning approach, (3) implementing pre-test, (4) carry out face-to-face training by the training design that has been designed at the training site, (5) post-test 1, (6) implementation of training results in groups at the TVRI Education and Training Center, (7) evaluation of the implementation of training results and post-test 2 at the training site. Second, the development of guided training on problem-based problem-sensible after being assessed as valid, effective, and practical. The valid value training materials are guided training guides on problem based learning for participants, guided training books on problem-based learning for resource persons/instructors, and training lesson plans as well as guided training design modules. Practicality can be seen from the results of the face-to-face training process, problem-based learning design modules, guided training guides, and guided implementation. effective seen from the results of pre-test, post-test 1, and post-test 2, and the results of guided implementation observations about problem-based learning. Practicality can be seen from the results of the face-to-face training process, problem-based learning design modules, guided training guides, and guided implementation. effective seen from the results of the pre-test, post-test 1, and post-test 2, and the results of guided implementation observations about problem-based learning. Practicality can be seen from the results of the face-to-face training process, problem-based learning design modules, guided training guides, and guided implementation. effective seen from the results of the pre-test, post-test 1, and post-test 2, and the results of guided implementation observations about problem-based learning.
Hastria Effendi. 2020. Web-Based Flipped Classroom Learning Model for Higher Education. Dissertation. Postgraduate, Padang State University.
This research and development (R&D) aim to develop a valid, effective and practical learning model to provide higher education services, especially to groups of people who, for various reasons, cannot attend face-to-face education or regular education, expand access, and equal distribution of services. higher education. The success of this model is expected to significantly increase the gross enrollment rate (GER) in higher education. The method used is to utilize information and communication technology (ICT) and give students the responsibility to learn in achieving learning objectives that do not require assistance, for example, learning objectives related to lower-order thinking skills. This study uses the concept of the flipped classroom in developing a learning model called the Web-Based Flipped Classroom Learning Model (MPFCBW). In normal classrooms in general, learning activities to achieve the learning objectives of lower-order thinking skills (LOTS) are carried out in the classroom while higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) are obtained at home in the form of homework. MPFCBW classifies learning objectives into three groups, namely LOTS, intermediate-level thinking skills (MOTS) and HOTS. MPFCBW, in applying the inverted classroom concept, organizes learning activities as follows: LOTS is conducted by students online before learning activities in class; MOTS is done through presentations and discussions in class; while HOTS is done at home after studying in class in the form of short papers. MPFCBW is run with the following learning tools: learning models, semester lesson plans (RPS), printed learning materials in the form of books, web-based teaching programs, lecturer manuals, and student manuals. The results of this study indicate that the MPFCBW is valid, practical, and as effective as the current classical learning model. Another advantage of the MPFCBW is that it can serve more students than the classical teaching model. It can be concluded that WPFCBW can be used as an alternative learning model either as a substitute or as a supplement to the existing learning model in higher education.
Keywords: Blended Learning, Flipped Classroom, Learning Model, Web-Based Learning
Martini. 2016. Development of Business English Teaching Materials for Padang State Polytechnic Students. Dissertation. Educational Studies Program, Postgraduate Program, Padang State University.
This research was conducted because of the gap between the Mastery of Business English students majoring in Accounting, at Padang State Polytechnic with what is needed in the world of work. One of the causes of the weakness of students’ mastery of Business English is the unavailability of teaching materials that suit student needs. This problem can be solved by developing Business English teaching materials. The purpose of this research is to develop Business English teaching materials for students majoring in Accounting, at Padang State Polytechnic. Furthermore, with this Business English teaching material, a link and match will be created between what is taught and what is needed in the world of work. The research method used is Research and Development with ADDIE teaching material development procedures consisting of five stages: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Respondents from the study were 34 alumni of the Padang State Polytechnic majoring in Accounting, four Business English lecturers, and five business practitioners from five companies. The research product was validated by two experts, academics and business practitioners. Through research procedures that refer to research theories and In the development of teaching materials, input is obtained on Business English teaching materials which include four language skills with fifteen topics of discussion. Through statistical tests, it was concluded that the teaching materials developed were valid, effective, and practical so that they could be applied to the Business English class. The product of the research is in the form of Business English teaching materials consisting of Business English 1 Students’ Book and Business English 1 Teacher’s Book.
Masrun, 2020. Development of Competency Test Instruments for Teachers of Physical Education in Sports and Health in Senior High Schools. Dissertation. Padang State University Postgraduate
The main objective of this research is to produce a competency test instrument for high school Physical Education teachers, which is empirically validated. Currently, researchers have not found an instrument that tests the competence of Physical Education teachers as a whole covering 4 competencies, especially in Indonesia. This research is included in the type of research and development (research and development). In this study, the development model used is in the form of a procedural model, namely the steps that must be followed to produce a standard instrument product. The development procedure carried out includes ten steps, namely: (1) Potential and Problems, (2) Gathering information, (3) Product Design, (4) Design Validation, (5) Design Improvement, 6. Product Testing, 7. Revision Product, 8. Usage Trial, (9) Product Revision, (10) Mass Product Manufacturing. The trial subjects in this study were high school teachers in the city of Padang and alumni of FIK UNP from various generations. This research was conducted on high school teachers in Padang City and 323 alumni of FIK Padang State University. Sampling was done by using purposive sampling. Based on data taken from the secondary education sector of the Padang city education office, the number of high school teachers in the city of Padang, both teachers with the status of civil servants (PNS), foundation teachers, and honorary teachers, amounted to 146 people, and FIK alumni who were the research subjects totaled 177 people. In the first stage, a limited trial was conducted on 30 of the total population. The second stage was tested on 293 people. The standardization process is carried out by conducting various tests, namely: (1) Validity test, (2) Reliability Calculator, (3) Item difficulty level test, (4) item discriminating power test, (5) practicality test, (6) effectiveness test. All data were analyzed using IBM SPSS software. Significance was determined at the level of p < 0.05. Based on the research processes and procedures that have been carried out, a standard instrument has been created that can be used to test the four competencies of Physical Education teachers, namely Pedagogic competence, Professional Competence, Personality competence, and Social competence.
Reza Fahmi. 2020. Development of the Entrepreneurship Module in Improving Student Independence at Pondok Modern Gontor 3 Darul Ma’rifat, Kediri, East Java. Padang State University Postgraduate Dissertation
This research was developed based on the needs analysis of the entrepreneurship learning module. At Pondok Modern Gontor 3 Darul Ma’rifat and the results of the analysis of the independence of students as well as conceptual and theoretical studies can strengthen the developed module. Researchers need to solve this problem by conducting research and development using the ADDIE model. The research subjects were students of Pondok Modern Gontor 3 Darul Ma’rifat in Kediri Regency. Samples were taken using a random sampling technique. The data collection instruments in this study used an independence scale, questionnaires, interviews, observations and validation sheets for each module device developed. To ensure the validity of the data, the researcher validated the instrument to the lecturers/practitioners and conducted a field test for the independence scale instrument. Data collected and processed and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The module effectiveness test uses t-test analysis assisted by SPSS (Statistical Package on Social Science) version 17. The research findings show: (1) Learning independence is very much needed at Pondok Modern Gontor 3. However, several problems are still found, namely: entrepreneurial learning is not well structured; does not have a systematic and programmed syllabus, lesson plans, and modules. So entrepreneurship learning places more emphasis on learning that is learning by doing (learning while doing or working and being practical), (2) Entrepreneurship learning for students, taught to be able to think creatively and innovatively in developing various types of productive businesses (cafeteria, bakery, mini markets, sports shops and so on). So that they are expected to be able to be independent by not depending on anyone, (3) The entrepreneurship module developed to increase the independence of students has its uniqueness and characteristics compared to other entrepreneurship modules. Namely using the ADDIE approach, (4) The entrepreneurship module developed is valid, practical, and effective because there is a significant difference in independence between students who take learning with the ADDIE approach and students who use conventional learning. sports shops and so on). So that they are expected to be able to be independent by not depending on anyone, (3) The entrepreneurship module developed to increase the independence of students has its uniqueness and characteristics compared to other entrepreneurship modules. Namely using the ADDIE approach, (4) The entrepreneurship module developed is valid, practical, and effective because there is a significant difference in independence between students who take learning with the ADDIE approach and students who use conventional learning. sports shops and so on). So that they are expected to be able to be independent by not depending on anyone, (3) The entrepreneurship module developed to increase the independence of students has its uniqueness and characteristics compared to other entrepreneurship modules. Namely using the ADDIE approach, (4) The entrepreneurship module developed is valid, practical, and effective because there is a significant difference in independence between students who take learning with the ADDIE approach and students who use conventional learning.
Yeni Deswita. 2019. Development of the Teacher Pedagogic Competency Development Model (PKPG) by the Principal. Postgraduate Dissertation. Padang State University.
This research is about fostering the pedagogic competence of elementary school teachers in the implementation of learning. The core of the problem is the absence of a teacher pedagogical competency development model that can be used as a reference by school principals. The purpose of this study is to build a model of teacher pedagogical competence development that can be used as a reference for school principals in carrying out coaching tasks.This study uses the Research and Development method using 5 (five) ADDIE steps (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implementation, Evaluation). The data in this study consisted of qualitative data and quantitative data. Qualitative data were collected by means of observation, interviews and documentation studies. Quantitative data were collected using a questionnaire. Qualitative data were analyzed by means of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Quantitative data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. Research findings related to the pedagogic competence of elementary school teachers in Solok City indicate that in the principal’s observation, the teacher’s ability to carry out learning is at an average value of 58%. For the level of understanding of teachers about teacher pedagogic competencies with an average value of 43. For the needs of coaching materials, the highest percentage needed was found, namely the indicators of increasing teacher understanding of students 84% and increasing teacher abilities in the implementation of educational and dialogical learning by 75% . Regarding the teacher competency development process, it shows that the coaching carried out is still focused on the administrative aspect to complete the values in the PKG and has not been carried out in accordance with the proper stages.This research has developed a model of teacher pedagogical competence development which consists of (1) PKPG Guidebook, (2) Principal’s Guidebook in PKPG, and (3) Teacher’s Guidebook in PKPG. This model is equipped with an instrument of observation of the teacher’s pedagogic competence and the principal’s strategy in carrying out coaching. The model has been declared valid by the expert validator. The results of the model trial in the limited group showed that the model was practical and effectively used to improve the pedagogic competence of elementary school teachers.
Yunhendri Danhas, 2021. Development of Community-Based Water and Sanitation Facilities Management Module. Dissertation. Postgraduate. Padang State University.
The low skill of the community-based drinking water and sanitation facility Management Group (KP) in Padang Pariaman Regency is the background of the research. It is suspected that this is because the modules used by KP are not adequate. The research objective is to develop a community-based drinking water and sanitation facility management module that is valid, practical and effective.This research is a research and development research that uses the ADDIE model. The subject of the research is the Management Group in Padang Pariaman Regency, totaling 98 people. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, observations and filling out questionnaires. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of the study show that (1) the module used now does not have a component of instructions for facilitators, worksheet key, evaluation sheet and evaluation sheet key, the material does not contain knowledge of environmental protection and management efforts, (2) the developed module is proven to be valid with a value of 0.86 (very high), (3) The developed module is proven to be practical with a value of K = 0.87 (very high), (4) The developed module has been proven to significantly increase KP knowledge with a sig value of 0.00 < 0.05. concluded that the developed module is proven to be valid, practical and effective. The implications of the research results are (1) the Module Book can be used as a source and independent learning media for KP, (2) The use of modules by the facilitator in assisting and conducting training for KP can be more effective, (3) KP can increase their knowledge in carrying out their functions and role related to the management of existing facilities. It is recommended (1) that the central and provincial work units socialize this module to facilitators throughout Indonesia for use, (2) the use of the module must follow the instructions and steps contained in each module in the module book.
Setiawati, 2020. Family Education Models in Developing Prosocial For Early Children in Playing Arena General Facilities. Dissertation. Post Graduate Program of Universitas Negeri Padang.
The low prosocial behavior of children in the playground of public facilities is the background of the implementation of this study, presumably related to the low ability parents in the development of prosocial their children on the playground public facilities, therefore it is necessary a module for parents in guiding prosocial children on the public facility playground. This research is development research using the ADDIE model which consists of five stages, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The populations for the trial subjects were all parents who brought their children to play in public play facilities in the Singgalang complex. The data collectiofn techniques used were: participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and questionnaires. The data analysis technique consisted of qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results showed that (1) Family education in public facilities playgrounds tended not to carry out prosocial activities for early childhood. (2) The availability of a family education model in early childhood prosocial development because playing public facilities is a valid, practical, and effective module. Recommendations are given to parents, early childhood educators, and stakeholders in the education of children and families would be able to use this module in the prosocial development of children, especially in public facilities playground.A
Amar Salahuddin. 2020. Multicultural Values In The Indonesian Novels, The Local Cultures Of Minangkabau Pre And Post The War. Dissertation. Postgraduate Program Of. Universitas Negeri Padang.
This research is attracted by a situation where there is a lack of people’s awareness of multicultural values in the nation and country. The different views often lead to conflicts, resulting in the instability of the nation and country. As the social and cultural documents, novels portray how people communicate and interact in multicultural societies. Research is required to comprehend and formulate the social and cultural records of multicultural values in novels. There fore, this research is conducted to delineate and explain multicultural values In Indonesian novels, the local cultures of Minangkabaupre and post the war.This study employs qualitative research with the descriptive analysis method. The research data is obtained from Indonesian novels, the local cultures of Minangkabaupre and post the war. On the one hand, the novels prethe warare presented by SittiNurbaya, Salah Asuhan, andTenggelamnyaKapal Van Der Wick. On the other hand, the novels post the warare presented by Kemarau, Orangorang Blanti, andKusut, Three techniques of collecting data applied, which are (1) Reading and understanding Indonesian novels, the local cultures of Minangkabaupre and postthe war; (2) determining main and additional figures in the Indonesian novels, the local cultures of Minangkabaupre and postthe warin order to investigate the data of multicultural; (3) Listing, identifying and classifyingdata in regard to multicultural values.. The result shows that the appreciation and interdependence as the main value in the Indonesian novels, the local culture of Minangkabau pre the war. Meanwhile, tolerance is categorized as the major value in the novels post the war. Furthermore, Sitti Nurbaya is the novel that significantly supports multicultural practices pre the war, while Kusut is the novel which supports multicultural practices post the war. Generally, there is a remarkable difference related to multicultural values in Indonesian novels, the local culture of Minangkabau pre and postthe war; Multicultural values pre the war are practiced ideally, while multicultural values post the war are applied pragmatically.
Rini Parmila Yanti. 2022. The transformation of Minang cultural values in character education for children of Minang nomad families (IKM) in Panam District, Pekanbaru City. Dissertation. Postgraduate Program of Universitas Negeri Padang.
The concept of transformation itself refers to a change in form by not removing the old elements. So, our ancestral heritage can still be passed down, with some slight modifications. Transformation can be applied in various strategies, ranging from how to hold art, publications, to social engineering. The theory used is Structural Functionalism. Talcott Parsons is best known for his four functional imperatives for the “action” system, namely the AGIL scheme. AGIL, a function is a group of activities directed to meet one or more system requirements. Parsons believes that the development of society is closely related to the development of the four main subsystem elements, namely culture (education), justice (integration), government (attainment of goals), and economy (adaptation). This research is a field research using qualitative methods. Qualitative research method is a research method used to examine the condition of natural objects. Sugiyono (2005) argues that qualitative research starts from the phenomenological paradigm whose objectivist is built on certain situations as experienced by certain individuals or social groups and is relevant to the objectives of the research. Specifically, qualitative research is defined by Creswell (2002, p. 5). The results of the study that can be concluded are as follows: 1. The transformation of the cultural values of the Minangkabau people overseas in relation to character education for children of immigrants in Pekanbaru City. In this study, the authors focus on four Minangkabau cultural values, among many other values, namely: a. Religious value b. manners contained in “kato nan ampek” c. entrepreneurial spirit d. The culture of wandering has a fighting power in life which is contained in the Minang proverb “karakok madang in the upstream ba fruit ba bungu balun, marantau the body first at home paguno balun. 2. The pattern of education applied by the Minangkabau overseas community to their 3. children with the transformation of Minangkabau cultural values. That educating children with Minang cultural customs is a way to introduce to children that respect for parents or family is a strong form of way carried out by Minang people where morality is a reflection of a person. 3. The relevance of the transformation of the cultural values of the Minangkabau people overseas in relation to globalization. The Minangkabau community as one of the ethnic groups in Indonesia has a number of socio-cultural moral values contained in the form of Minangkabau culture
Masrul, 2020. The Effect of Leadership Style, Regional Performance Allowances and Work Motivation Toward Civil Servants’ Performance of the Office of Youth Education and Sports in Solok Regency. Disertation. Pastgraduate Program of Universitas Negeri Padang.
This aims of this research to know the effect of leadership style, regional performance allowances and work motivation, toward civil servants’ performance of the office of youth education and sports in Solok regency and reveal the causal relationship that exists between the research variables. This research uses explanatory causal in the form of a survey. The population of this study were all employees of the Department of Education, Youth and Sports Solok District amounted to 92 people with a sample of 46 people were taken by total sampling technique. Data was collected using a questionnaire prepared by simple regression data analysis techniques and multiple regression after it continued with path analysis. The data were then analyzed statistically using Microsoft Excel IBM SPSS Statistic 19.
The findings of this research indicate: Leadership Style, Regional Performance Allowances partially, Work Motivation and collectively have a positive effect on Civil Servants Performance of the Office of Youth and Sports Education in Solok Regency with an effect of 87.3%. Based on the findings of this research concluded that to improve performance employees must pay serious attention to these factors. This opportunity shows that the ability of the leadership to increase the motivation of both intrinsic and extrinsic to provide rewards for staff discipline and provide punishment for employees who are lazy, undisciplined, and do not work according to predefined rules. Besides, the style or styles of leadership deserve critical attention and performance benefits that can meet the needs of employees.
Mariam Nasution. 2021. The Development of Problem-Based Learning Models and Giving Rewards to Improve Conceptual Understanding and Problem Solving of Elementary Linear Algebra at IAIN Padangsidimpuan. Dissertation. Postgraduate of Padang State University.
This research was based on the students‟ difficulty in understanding conceptual understanding and problem solving in elementary linear algebra material, this condition was caused by the learning model that was not related to the situation of students‟ character that have various background knowledge. The students‟ low conceptual understanding and problem solving could be known from their learning outcomes that were still below standard. Thus, this study aimed to develop a problem-based learning model and giving rewards that were valid, practical and effective. The type of this research was a development using the Plomp model. The product developed was in the form of a problem-based learning model and the provision of rewards and its supporting components. The research instrument consisted of product validation sheets, product practicality sheets, tests, observation sheets, and questionnaires. This research applied Tessmer evaluation. Then, data were analyzed through qualitative and quantitative methods.The research results showed that the problem-based learning model and giving rewards consisted of six syntaxes. They were formulating problems and rewards, analyzing problems and rewards, proposing hypotheses and rewards, collecting data and rewards, testing hypotheses and rewards, and giving conclusions and rewards. The results of product validity test obtained high validity criteria, and the results of the practicality test were in high validity as well. The results of the effectiveness test were in the effective category, so that the problem-based learning model and giving rewards were effective in increasing students‟ ability to understand concepts and to solve problem. The accompaniment impact of using problem-based learning models could increase students‟ interest and attitudes in learning elementary linear algebra. In conclusion, using the problem-based learning model and giving rewards could improve conceptual understanding and problem solving that were valid, practical and effective.
Nurlina 2020. Analysis of Factors that Affect Mina t Entrepreneurship Students at the Faculty of Economics University of Dharma Andalas Padang. Dissertation, Postgraduate Program of Universitas Negeri Padang
From the identification carried out at Dharma Andalas University Padang in 2016 through a questionnaire on alumni work, it can be seen that from as many as 70 alumni who have jobs as entrepreneurs, only 1 person or 1.43%, and the rest are civil servants, state-owned enterprises and private employees. This means that if we look at the entrepreneurial interest of students who have graduated from their education at Dharma Andalas University, there is very little interest in entrepreneurship .
Research This includes the type of research quantitatively by using a model of path analysis is menggkaji pattern of relationships between variables with the aim to reveal the direct influence and not directly a set of exogenous variables Personality (X ), Encouragement Family (X ), Social Environmental / Social invironment (X ), Motivation Entrepreneurship (X ) through the Entrepreneurial Competence variable (X ) on the endogenous variable of Entrepreneurial Interest (Y). The biggest contribution that affects Student Entrepreneurial Interests comes from Family Encouragement (X2) of 27.31%. Consists of a direct influence of 25.80%, and an indirect effect of 1.51%. Then followed by the influence of the Personality variable (X1) on the Entrepreneurial Interest of students by 20.67 %, which comes from a direct influence of 19.10% and an indirect influence of 1.57%. While the Social Environment variable (X3) contributed to its influence of 15.40%, consisting of a direct influence of 14.40 and an indirect influence of 1.14%. Following the Entrepreneurial Motivation variable (X4) contributed its influence on students’ interest in entrepreneurship by 14.74%, which consisted of a direct influence of 13.20%, and an indirect influence of 1.52%. And the Entrepreneurial Competence variable on the student’s interest in entrepreneurship contributed 10.80% of the influence. In addition to personality factors, family encouragement factors, environmental factors, and entrepreneurial motivation factors that influence entrepreneurial interest, there is a more important factor that also influences student entrepreneurial interest, namely the Entrepreneurial Competence Factor.
The results of this study are : 1) F factors that influence student entrepreneurship interest at the Faculty of Economics , Dharma Andalas University Padang, 2) Policy for the development of entrepreneurship education at the Faculty of Economics, Dharma Andalas University Padang, consisting of : (1) Policy through Student Personality Development , (2) K OLICY Through Family Encouragement , (3) Policy Environment Through Social ( Social E nvironment ), (4) Policy Motivation Through Entrepreneurship , (5) Policy Competence Through Entrepreneurship.